The villages of Dha, Hanu, Garkon, Dartsik and Batalik together form the Aryan Valley. This region lays to the north-west of Leh around Khalatse. The villages are inhabited by pure Aryan race which has preserved its culture and racial purity from centuries. Out of the many, only two villages i.e. Dha and Hanu are open for visitors and tourists.
The tribe, being a bit reluctant and shy towards outsiders, does not like to mingle with them. The people of these villages are tall and fair with big eyes. With such Indo-aryan features, it is quite interesting for the tourists to get to know the people of this region a bit better.
Raku Complex, Fort Road
Leh-Ladakh (J&K), India - 194101
Tel: +91-70510 29701
Tel: +91-94181 80600